Arabella June

Arabella June
Arabella Abbott (aka Arabella June) is a designer, illustrator and a full-time dreamer living and working in the vibrant and beautiful country South Africa. She started her creative journey as a child while growing up in the karoo in a small farming town. Being surrounded by the wide-open spaces, the constant inspiration of nature influenced her love of flowers and design. Currently, she finds inspiration through meaningful conversations, theatre shows and ballet, travelling the world and spending her time outdoors surrounded by nature.
Sarah's Questionnaire
Dream destination: Morocco or Russia
Magical place: Wildlife Friends Foundation in Thailand
Ideal dinner date: JRR Tolkien
Recommended read: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Favorite foods: Italian, Milk Chocolate, Mangos straight off the tree
Power color: Pale Yellow
Inspiration: People who give passionately
One should never: Put their feet on the furniture
Go-to hostess gift: Flowers
Hidden talent: Ballet Dancer
Perfect cup of joe: Sweet with Almond milk
Childhood dream job: An oceanographer
Creative fuel: Traveling and music